Legal Forwarding Edge

Do you believe in paying people for work they fail to do?
If we cannot bring in the money ourselves, our only objective thereafter is to provide you with a top-of-the-line, experienced collection attorney who can collect your money. Rather than protect our own profits, we never forget that this is your money we are trying to collect.
What Other Agencies Do
Duplicate your efforts with a phone call or two, send letters that generate little to no result and recommend that you forward the tough stuff to an attorney for litigation after they have picked off the relatively easy collections.
Increase your contingency rate and maybe charge a management fee in order to protect their profits - even though the attorney is doing the real collection work.
What We Do
Using the tools in our InfoMax Collection System, we focus on collecting your accounts ourselves, and minimize your need to consider litigation.
We do not increase your contingency rate or charge a management fee when your account is forwarded to an attorney for litigation.